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The Brown Tang, also known as the Two Spot Bristletooth Tang or Kole Tang, is a popular marine fish prized for its attractive coloration, hardiness, and algae-eating habits.


  • Appearance: As its name suggests, the Brown Tang typically has a brownish body with darker vertical stripes or blotches, although coloration can vary depending on factors such as age, health, and environmental conditions. It features a distinctive white or yellow spot on both sides of its body near the tail base. Like other tangs, it has a laterally compressed body, a single dorsal fin, and a retractable spine near the base of its tail.

  • Habitat: Brown Tangs are native to the tropical reefs of the Indo-Pacific region, including areas such as the Great Barrier Reef, the Red Sea, and islands throughout the Pacific Ocean. They inhabit coral-rich environments with moderate to strong water flow, typically found on reef slopes and outer reef areas.

  • Behavior: These fish are generally peaceful but can become territorial, especially towards other tangs or fish that encroach upon their feeding areas. In the wild, they may form loose aggregations or small groups, particularly during feeding.

  • Diet: Brown Tangs are primarily herbivores, feeding on algae and other plant matter. In captivity, they should be offered a varied diet consisting of marine algae, seaweed sheets, and supplemented with high-quality vegetable-based flake or pellet foods. Regular feeding of algae helps mimic their natural diet and promotes their health and vibrant coloration.

  • Aquarium Care: Keeping Brown Tangs in captivity requires a spacious aquarium with plenty of swimming room and hiding places. They thrive in well-established reef aquariums with stable water parameters and moderate to strong water flow. Adequate filtration and regular water changes are essential for their health and well-being.

  • Compatibility: While Brown Tangs are generally peaceful, they may exhibit aggression towards other tangs or similar-looking fish, especially if kept in smaller tanks or if overcrowded. It's best to keep them singly or in mated pairs in larger aquariums with plenty of space for territories.


*Due to natural variations, the product may differ  in appearance from the picture provided.*

Brown Tang(marine fish)

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