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The Sebae clownfish, also known as the Yellow clownfish or the Saddleback clownfish, is a captivating species of marine fish belonging to the Pomacentridae family.


  • Physical Appearance: Sebae clownfish are known for their striking appearance. They have a yellow-orange body with a distinctively shaped, black "saddle" or "saddleback" marking that extends from the top of their dorsal fin to their abdomen. This contrasting coloration makes them stand out in marine aquariums.

  • Habitat: These clownfish are native to the Indo-Pacific region, including the waters around the Great Barrier Reef, the Coral Sea, and parts of Southeast Asia. They inhabit sheltered lagoons and reef areas, often seeking refuge among the tentacles of sea anemones.

  • Symbiotic Relationship: Like other clownfish species, Sebae clownfish form symbiotic relationships with sea anemones. They are immune to the stinging cells of the anemone's tentacles and seek protection within their host's tentacles. In return, the clownfish provide the anemone with nutrients in the form of food scraps and protection from potential predators.

  • Diet: In the wild, Sebae clownfish are omnivores, feeding on a varied diet that includes algae, plankton, small crustaceans, and organic detritus. In captivity, they readily accept a diet of commercial flake or pellet food designed for marine fish, supplemented with occasional offerings of live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp or mysis shrimp.

  • Aquarium Care: Sebae clownfish are popular choices for marine aquariums due to their vibrant colors and interesting behavior. They are relatively hardy and easy to care for, making them suitable for beginner aquarists. Providing them with a suitable host anemone, such as Heteractis magnifica or Stichodactyla gigantea, is ideal but not always necessary for their well-being in captivity.


*Due to natural variations, the product may differ  in appearance from the picture provided.*

Sebae clownfish (marine fish)

₹1,700.00 Regular Price
₹1,500.00Sale Price
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